INITIAL Appointment

When you arrive for your initial appointment we will discuss your desired outcome for your brows. It is recommended to bring pictures of how you like your brows done or a picture of desired brows with you. We will decide on color based on your existing brow hair, desired color/result, and skin tone. Professional brow mapping using various measurement tools will be used to create an outline of the eyebrow shape. Once you approve of the outline, the brow procedure will begin. Topical numbing will be applied throughout the appointment. Before the conclusion of the appointment, we will discuss post-procedure instructions and schedule your perfecting touch up.

Perfecting TOUCH UP

Please plan to return 6-12 weeks following your initial appointment for the perfecting touch up appointment. Permanent Makeup is a two-step process, and the touch up appointment is necessary to set the shape and color. The same process as the original treatment can be expected; since we will follow the brow shape and color from initial treatment, the appointment will be slightly shorter. If darker pigment, more density, or any other slight adjustments are desired, this can be accomplished during the touch up.


Color Boosts can be done every 1.5 - 3+ years to refresh brows, darken color, or fill in gaps. Minor changes in color, shape, thickness, and density can also be made to the original results. Color Boosts are important to maintain the integrity of your brows, but they are not required. If brows are not maintained, the pigment will continue to soften and fade over time. Please note that Color Boosts are only available for clients who have had their initial procedure with Studio K.